Community Farms

We work closely with community organizations to empower them to address food security, mental health and social enterprise through the installation, start-up and support of easy to use hybrid hydroponics systems. Our team works to co-create value with our partners by designing and supporting growing systems and protocols to grow the crops most needed in their organization.

Agronomy Consulting

Our team has a depth of experience when it comes to gathering data and supporting agronomic analysis for partners in academia, development and industry. We work closely with clients to optimize crop performance and operational dynamics at commercial scale, whether it be for yield improvement or community agricultural cooperative design.

Immersive Workshops & Events

Our team has had the privilege of providing teaching, training and talks to over 3,500 students, families, entrepreneurs and industry professionals. We have designed an immersive one-day curriculum around STEAM, for high school students, in addition to various lengths of workshops and talks for other audiences. Every summer we have a presence at the Canadian National Exhibition and interact with over 100,000 people to showcase an aquaponic vertical farm and other local food and farm partners across the GTA.