More than 75% of Canada’s Fresh Vegetables are Imported, when we have the ability to produce over 50% of it.

Boreal Farms is an agtech enterprise that is strengthening regional food security through a cooperative of smallholder farmers using both indoor farming systems and regenerative farming practices.

“Local Food is one of the most powerful means of bringing people together - no matter what age, race, religion, political preference or taste in music, we all get together around the table to eat food. Food is a catalyst for conversation and brings friends, family and farmers together every single day.”
- Brandon Hebor

“Hybrid farming combines regenerative agriculture with modern technology, offering a potent solution for our modern economy. This approach blends the best of traditional and modern farming practices to create a future where healthy soil and a thriving agricultural sector coexist. Hybrid farming is a path forward that addresses the challenges of climate change and resource depletion while benefiting people and the planet.”
— Amos Bassi